Offsite SEO And Social Media

Oct 9, 2014 | Digital Marketing, SEO

Off-Site Search Engine Optimization

So you’ve got your keywords, you’ve optimized your site, you’ve decided to build content on your site, now we’re going to try and look at what you can do from off the site that’s going to help your ranking. When you look at search engine result page that we talked about back in the beginning … On the search engine results page, when you look at these organic results, one third of the items that the search engine takes into account is what’s happening on the page to drive this result. Two thirds of what drives this result is what’s actually happening off of the page. So the link building, or social media, the activity that is talking about what’s happening on your page. The more that you can help that happen, the more that you can create links into your site so that there’s a greater [inaudible 00:13:37] of your content and your site in the world wide web, the higher that your page is going to come back on a search engine result.

Once you’ve got your site optimized it becomes very important to determine and effectively build links back to your site. Let’s talk about what that is. This is an extremely labor intensive activity because you have to go out and work with people to produce content about you. You want to produce content on your site that’s going to get people to want to do that. Then they’re going to create links back to your site. A link is an example of what we would call hypertext, or hyperlink, back to your site. Here’s one where the website for Telecom Solutions Inc. dot net … This would be typed onto a page, but actually in the link there’s a code where if you clicked on this link right here it would go to that website. Another might be that you have what’s called anchor text. So the keyword term, Business Telecom Solutions Experts could have a link back to this site right here. Ideally in the text from [inaudible 00:14:46] website are blocked. An example might be, I know about the business telecom association regarding telecom equipment in the year 2014 … These would be examples of text that are great links back to your website.

If you have a small local business, in addition to doing link building you’re going to want to do what we call local SEO, or local Search Engine Optimization. There are a few things here that you want to make sure that you do. First of all, claim your Google plus local page, your Bing local, your Yahoo local business pages. You want to establish your local identity by claiming your profile on the various local directories. You want to make sure you register with local directories, like Yelp, Foursquare, things like that. Then also, ideally, get reviews on those sites back to your business. If you do get a bad review, manage those bad reviews back to your site.

Social Media

Lastly, after you’ve done the onsite content development, the offsite link building, the local SEO, you’re also going to want to participate and have some activity in social media. You want to think about this from the standpoint of what’s useful for your customers. If your customers are on Facebook and Pinterest, you don’t want to spend a lot of time on Twitter and LinkedIn and vise versa. Think about and get to know what are the platforms that they use. Look at what people are saying on those things when they talk about your kind of business. This could be a way to actually communicate with them fairly directly. You can be active when they’re having a conversation. It’s also a great way for you to spread out your content, share your content, on the web. Social media is recognized by search engines so it’s helpful from an SEO standpoint. It’s important to have at least one presence in social media and the platforms that are relevant to your customer.


For help with your digital marketing or to better understand how you can improve your offsite SEO or social media efforts, please click here for a free consultation, or call us at 855-217-6584.


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