A recent study by Sysomos of 600,000 Facebook fan pages showed that only 40% of business fan pages had over 100 fans, and only 4% of pages had over 10,000 fans. So if you Facebook fan page seems a little short on fans, you aren’t alone. Anid it means the same thing for you as almost everyone else. Facebook for businesses is about …
Activating Your Facebook Fans
The most critical piece of any company’s attempt to use Facebook marketing for small business is to activate your fan base. Without creating engagement and community, your Facebook page is simply wasting away. So you have to do more than just make wall posts. You need to add photos, videos, links, events, and engaging activities. This will not only grow your fanbase, (Sysmos did find a strong correlation between amount of content other than wall posts and fans) but it will also engage the fans you have more.
Facebook Usage
There are more than 800 million users of Facebook around the globe, and 100 million users in the U.S. The average Facebook user spends over an hour on it a day. With this many users and this much usage, it makes sense for a business to look at pursuing an engaging Facebook strategy. So get back out there, create a compelling Facebook page for your business, and start to engage your fans!
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