The 5 Most Common Google Ads Myths Debunked

Feb 28, 2023 | PPC

Reading time: 3 minutes

Google’s advertising platform, launched in 2000, gave marketers the ability to make your business soar or plummet, completely online. In the two decades since GoogleAds has been available, the internet has circulated myths about the platform, resulting in millions of business owners missing out on the potential revenue it could bring. Additionally, many other companies have subsequently spent too much on their Google advertising campaigns or even missed the mark by using poorly trained Ads managers. 

Whether you’ve experienced one of these missteps yourself or you could see yourself doing so, join us in this blog to debunk five of the most common myths about GoogleAds and see how RefractROI can put Google Ads to work effectively and efficiently for you.

Myth #1: Google Ads Don’t Work

The most common misconception about GoogleAds is that they don’t work because the modern internet user has become wise to avoiding ads in their search queries. On the contrary, Google’s ad revenue amounted to $224.47 billion USD in 2022 alone, the highest since its introduction over twenty years ago. Over time, Google has designed their ads to look so alike to their organic search results, increasing the likelihood that users will continue to click them.

If you’ve seen minimal or no success in your use of GoogleAds for your marketing efforts, it’s likely because your account, campaigns, ad groups, or ads aren’t being properly optimized. Ads with Google are all about finding the most relevant keywords for your circumstances, writing compelling ad copy, reaching your ideal audience, and setting up tracking to ensure your ads continue to meet your goals.

Myth #2: GoogleAds Affects the SEO of Your Website

For years, business owners across a variety of industries believed that if they were already implementing SEO best practices that they didn’t need to also use GoogleAds. While the general understanding of SEO has increased across the business world, we still encounter business owners that don’t understand how complementary GoogleAds and SEO are as pieces of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. While SEO works to enhance your visibility and domain authority through your organic traffic, GoogleAds works as a separate, pay-per-click advertising practice.

PPC, or pay-per-click advertising, generates traffic through targeted advertisements. By utilizing both SEO and PPC, you have two different services working in tandem to drive more qualified traffic to your site. When you maximize your SERP coverage, you can elevate your brand awareness campaigns, which can be fostered into become qualified leads and return customers.

Myth #3: GoogleAds Are Too Expensive

Another common misconception about GoogleAds is that it’s too expensive, especially for the small business owner. While it can be tricky to go toe to toe with competitors in the same industry with million dollar advertising budgets, it’s important to remember that–at the end of the day–you only pay for the clicks your ads generate.

With GoogleAds, the goal is to design campaigns that get clicks from your ideal audience for the product or service you choose to promote. Google considered the small mom-and-pop businesses in their initial planning, because there is no minimum spend, so you are able to set your budget as low as you need. Each click through Google Ads can cost anywhere from a few cents to tens of dollars; the exact amount of each depends upon the keywords you choose to bid on in a given ad group.

Myth #4: “Set it & Forget” is the Best Tactic with GoogleAds

When you set a campaign in GoogleAds and start to receive clicks, it’s easy to think that your ad is successful and it’s not necessary to evaluate the efficacy of your campaign. However, as any good digital marketer will tell you, it’s essential that you continually test and monitor your ads, ad groups, and campaign for a variety of reasons:

To improve your campaign’s effectiveness

To stay ahead of the competition

To adjust to changes and new features within the Google Ads platform

To test new ad copy

To monitor your monthly budget

Without consistent analysis and adjustments, your GoogleAds can quickly and continually drain money from your marketing budget, diminishing your return and potentially punishing your brand’s image as a result.

Myth #5: GoogleAds Are Easy to Manage on Your Own

Managing a Google Ads campaign on your own isn’t the easiest task. This is intentional on Google’s behalf! While it’s certainly possible to manage your own Google Ads account, working with a PPC specialist allows you to maximize your ROI while focusing your efforts on actually running your business. There are several reasons to hire an experienced and professional agency to run a Google Ads campaign like being able to maximize profits, avoid common mistakes, save time, utilize the experience of a professional and take full advantage of account and analytics tools.

What we have highlighted here are only a few of the most common myths about Google Ads. So long as the online platform continues to exist and transform with new technology, myths, rumors, and misinformation will continue to be spread. When you engage RefractROI to manage and optimize your GoogleAds, you can be confident that your advertising ROI is our top priority. If you’re ready to jump start new GoogleAds campaigns or revamp how your existing campaigns are structured, contact us to see the difference we can make today. 


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