Google’s algorithm updates are like earthquakes. They happen every day, but we don’t always feel them. And when we do, the shakeup catches us off guard and produces massive effects.
With the number of updates over the years, it’s easy to get lost and confused—the main reason the search titan comes up with amusing designations such as Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and for some reason, Payday Loan.
A Matter of Flexibility
This year alone saw Google implement several updates to modify some of the search engine’s most vital features and the way they interact with users. Two of the best examples include the rollout of Snack Pack and Panda 4.2. While the recent rollouts have been noticeably slower, one should anticipate that Google will surely employ new upgrades in the coming months.
If you have invested heavily in marketing and have become quite jaded with all the changes happening, you may be constantly asking why Google keeps on doing this. You already know the answer. The best that you could do is to keep your strategies open. Use adaptable SEO Services.
Flexibility is the name of the game. The statement may be strong, but it carries with it another question: how do you boost adaptability and flexibility?
The Indispensable Power of Content
The creation of quality content is a permanent strategy. It transcends rules and algorithm updates. Viewing it from a more sensible and practical perspective, you would realize that all rules are actually built around it.
Create content not for the rankings, but to make your website more valuable.
Keep in mind that the search engine is like a sieve that filters dirt and impurities; it does not want content, which serves no purpose. It dismisses fluff. Diversify your content; it should not be purely text. It should not be all images and infographics. Also, do not forget social media integration.

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Cutting Back on Your Ads Budget
It may seem counterintuitive, but it actually has some implications. Think back on recent updates and you will realize that Panda has been targeting websites full of ads. This boils down to Google’s assurance to provide better content by penalizing websites laden with advertisements.
You may get an impression that your website becomes a hot real estate because it contains ads. Users, however, see things differently. You may get a bad reputation because of this. Users visit your website in hopes of finding valuable and helpful content. Their expectations are ruined the moment they realize that your site is full of ads.

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Are You Giving in to Google?
Do not simply follow Google’s rules. Obey them. Never resort to black hat methodologies in an attempt to override the system. Google knows when a website is trying to cheat and will not stand for it. Obeying Google is simple: give users what they want or need.
Follow Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. As the guidelines provide tips on how you can build a site that bots and crawlers can access, understand, and trust, you can easily protect your website from penalties should any random update or change occur in the future.

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Navigating the Internet is very much like sailing the seas. You have to follow a set course, but you never know what challenges might come up along the way. Many things are way beyond the radar’s reading. In the case of Google, there is no accurate barometer to tell you when the search giant will implement their next algorithm update.
If you want to learn more about how you can build a foolproof online marketing strategy, work with one of Denver’s most trusted SEO services companies.
Here at RefractROI, we do our best to help you understand consumers and how the digital world works. Contact us today for more information.