Google Adwords Keyword Selection And Keyword Targeting

Jun 30, 2014 | PPC

This is part 8 of a presentation transcript given to Snowsports Industry Association – the entire video can be found here: How to use Google Adwords

Let’s say you have a search term like ‘Skis’, and it’s a very general term, and you’re likely to get lower conversion rates. You’re likely to get a high volume. Even though maybe you only sell one type of ski, if you don’t go after that general term ‘Skis’, you may not get much traffic, which resulting you missing out on some significant opportunities. You can make the most of ads written to these keywords when they’re written to decrease the click-through rate.

If you really only sold women’s skis and not just skis for example, then you would expect the search term ‘Women’s skis’ get a much higher conversion rate than the term ‘Skis’, but that doesn’t mean you would never want to go after that search term. You’re going to write skis … The ‘Women’s skis’ is going to have a lower search volume.

It may not have much search volume at all compared to skis, and you’re going to want to write those ads to increase the click-through rate. Keyword discovery will help you find some of these sweet spots, so think about this when writing the ad. We’ll talk about specific ad writing in the next section.

Think about writing ads if you sell women’s skis, writing ads to increase the click-through rate which would be, “Hey. We have women’s skis. Please visit our site if you’re looking for women’s skis,” but same ad under the term ‘Skis’ would decrease the click-through rate because only a certain percentage of those searching for skis would be in the market for women’s skis.


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