3 Reasons To Start SEO Now Vs. Later

Mar 21, 2023 | SEO

Reading time: 3 minutes

Search Engine Optimization, often called SEO, is the complex process that aims to put your website in front of your ideal, qualified audience as effectively as possible. Simply put, SEO helps you grow your website’s organic traffic so you can eliminate or scale back your paid search campaigns. This is done by strategically improving your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) by identifying the keywords and phrases most often used by your target audience when they’re searching for products or services similar to yours. 

Once you identify which keywords work best with your audience, you have the data you need to better optimize the use of those words on your website, thus improving your pages’ ranking. The implementation of SEO is a big picture solution that requires time to take effect, so the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results. At RefractROI, we’ve worked with hundreds of businesses across a variety of industries, growing revenue through online marketing, and we are ready to take your business to new heights by making SEO work for you.

Why SEO Is Essential to Success in Online Business

Those who are new to business often don’t immediately grasp the benefits of SEO; they think that it’s too complicated, expensive, or time-consuming to implement, leaving many businesses behind the competition in marketing and customer awareness. Small business owners especially fall victim to this misconception, failing to recognize how invaluable SEO can be to growing their business from the moment their website goes live, and instead focusing primarily on customer referrals. Today, the overwhelming majority of consumers go straight to the internet to research future purchases, so neglecting your online presence can encourage your audience to visit your competition instead.

When a business utilizes SEO, they draw customers to their website without doing any real “on the ground” work. People enter a search on the internet and if a business ranks high enough for a given keyword, they will get more exposure to potential clients. Rather than sitting back and waiting on your customers to spread the good news about your business, take the time to learn how to leverage SEO to increase your brand awareness and engage customers.

Why You Should Start Your SEO Efforts Now vs. Later

1. Higher Rankings = More Authority, Exposure & Leads

This reason seems obvious. When your website ranks on the first page of Google search results, more potential customers are likely to click and follow through with your preferred conversion. If you don’t take advantage of SEO, your competitor likely will. The use of SEO pushes your website higher in the rankings on search engines, leading to greater authority, more exposure, and more qualified, leading to a greater potential for engagement. 

2. SEO Takes Time to Generate Results

SEO miracles don’t happen overnight; it takes time to build a brand’s and business’ reputation organically. The first step, which is to determine how to properly optimize your website’s ranking in order to increase traffic, also takes time. However, putting in this initial effort and time will inevitably lead to a sustainable increase in website traffic. So, starting sooner rather than later lends to the efficacy of this process. Because Google’s algorithm trusts more established websites over newer or unoptimized sites, it’s more than doable to start your SEO efforts to get in front of potential customers right away.

3. SEO Doesn’t Require You Pay for Ad Space or Lead

One of the most obvious benefits of SEO is the minimal budget that is needed to start; organic SEO can be completely free. Since it only requires effort and work on your own website, it doesn’t require you to pay for any ad space that could quickly necessitate a high marketing budget. This is one of the biggest reasons SEO can be immediately attainable for any business owner, but especially the small business owner that wants to stay competitive in a saturated market. Why not take advantage of something free?

Done Right, SEO Improves Your Entire Website

SEO can make sure that your business is reaching its target audience on your terms. From an outside perspective, it may look like SEO only serves to improve website ranking, however, an improved website ranking directly translates to more website traffic and the ability to convert that traffic into qualified leads and loyal, return customers. Showing up at the top of a search engine results page (aka SERP) serves to increase the credibility of a business.

After reading this, it’s likely you realized that it’s to your business’s benefit to invest in SEO now rather than later. SEO will not only improve your sales and leads, it will help to improve the experience that your target audience has with your entire brand. Contact RefractROI at 303-945-3715 to take your website’s SEO to the next level.


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