Music School Rollup Case Study

Mar 8, 2023 | Case Studies

Company Background

Client is a private equity-backed roll-up company targeting the local music school industry. Each local market is competitive in unique ways and the source of most new business is internet search based. Therefore, the existing branding of the school was critical to achieving success. Client wanted to achieve high market share in each local market without the investment required to build independent brands relevant enough to be successful in digital marketing, so a WordPress Multisite was proposed.

Business Challenges

Client approached RefractROI with the desire to rank competitively in organic, local, and paid Search Engine Results Pages, resulting in the capture of non-branded, ready-to-buy internet search traffic.

Client is a start-up company and does not have the funding necessary to compete on an individual scale in each market. Local reputation is a key differentiator in the purchasing decision made by their customers, making the need to retain the original brand after acquisition paramount to success. They required a solution that drives compelling marketing results while reducing the incremental spend require for each newly-acquired school and achieving the efficiency inherent in private equity roll-ups.

Ensemble wants to increase the number of student enrollments for each individual school acquired by the organization. The key methodology to achieving this is visibility on Search Engine Results Pages for non-branded searches for music schools.

Furthermore, Ensemble needs to maintain marketing expense to a predictable level to account for the time it takes to improve online visibility and achieve additional sales, while preserving cash for school acquisitions.


To develop the environment required for success, RefractROI proposed a WordPress Multisite and corresponding Digital Marketing strategy, delivering these capabilities to the client.

Consolidated website management and site architecture across all locations, while still maintaining the individual brand, name, and uniqueness local language of the individual schools.

An infrastructure that consolidates Domain Authority to allow each location in the roll-up to rank compeitively locally, support the national brand strength, and increase the value of the digital footprint marketing strength of newly acquired schools.

Templated digital marketing assets that can be applied to new schools, reducing the time and expense spent on each location.

Individualized conversion tracking and reporting to assess ROI and digital marketing effectiveness across individual locations.



Increase in Organic Leads within 6 months


Annual marketing savings per school


Ready to get started? Let’s talk…

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