7 Steps To Set Up A Google Ads Campaign

May 17, 2021 | PPC

Trying to build a business on the internet without using Google Ads is a bit unbelievable. According to techjury.net, there are over 50.5 billion web pages and over 200 million active websites worldwide. The only way somebody is going to find your website is to develop great content and advertise. You need to tell your customers you are ready for business. Setting up your own Google Ads campaign can seem frightening and difficult if you don’t know what to do. We’re going to show you 7 steps that will help you learn how to set up campaign Google Ads.

1. Learn About Google Ads

Google is a massive search engine, and billions of people use it every day to search data. Google also owns YouTube, which is the second biggest search engine. Google Ads allows you to place text, display and video ads on Google properties. Anybody can advertise on Google Ads, and it is relatively easy to set up an account and start advertising. One of the best places to learn how to create Google Ads account is to check with Google. They have instructions and training programs to learn about Google Ads. Another great way to learn more about Google Ads is to check out the Google Adwords tutorial 2021.

2. Why Should I Use Google Ads?

Google ads reach the people who want to talk with you. Your buyers are using Google every day to search for your products and services. Since there are so many websites, it’s challenging to drive a lot of traffic to your website using organic (free) methods. Over time, if you develop a lot of content like blog posts and whitepapers, your website pages will begin to rank on the first page of Google search results (SERP). In addition to organic listings, you can place ads that appear at the top of the SERP pages. You can also place ads on a network of websites called the Google Display Network.

3. What to Do Before Creating a Google Ads Account

You need to know what you want to accomplish with your Google Ads campaign. Do you want to build your brand awareness and become a household name—like Google? Or do you want people to visit your store or restaurant? You can place Google shopping ads to generate traffic for specific products. You also need to identify what keyword terms you are going to use in your Google ads. Keywords are words or phrases people enter into Google to answer a question they have. Google ads use keywords to serve ads, and you pay for ads based on the popularity of the keyword term. You will also need a destination for your ads when somebody clicks on the ad. Google likes specific answers, so most advertisers create a unique page or landing page for the ad. Your landing page should include the exact keywords used in your ad.

4. How to Set Up a Google Ads Account

To set up a Google Ad account, go to the Google Ads website and click “create an account”. Follow the instructions, including payment type. The next step will be to create a new campaign. You will need to choose a type of campaign, decide how many ads you will create and what your campaign budget will be. You will also need to determine what your campaign strategy is. Do you want to convert leads, clicks or generate awareness and have many people view your ad?

5. You Will Need to Create an Ad

You won’t create just one ad. You will need to set up a series of ads using different keywords, headlines and calls-to-action. Google will test all of these ads and display the best ads. It may seem like a lot of work, but instead of trusting your intuitions (also known as making a wild guess), Google uses live people to test your ads. The results are more accurate, and you will get more bang out of your advertising buck.

6. Set Up Conversion Tracking

If you planned on running one campaign, conversion tracking wouldn’t be necessary. You will know what campaign is generating leads. In reality, you will likely run a series of campaigns, and you will want to know which campaigns are working better than others. There are several different ways to track your ad conversions. Completing an online form is one type of conversion. Answering a phone call or email is another way to track conversions. You can also track direct sales from your website.

7. Ask for Google Ads Help

If you find all of this Google Ad process too complex or confusing, perhaps you need some extra help. You can check out the Google Ads Tutorial 2021 or reach out to RefractROI and learn more about their expert Google Ad programs.


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